RP Investment Competition

RoundPier Investment Competition
3 min readOct 11, 2020


We hosted Poetry, Entrepreneurship and Non-profit Competitions this summer which received great feedback and were a lot of fun not only for students but also for our team, jury and adult mentors that participated in those.

And now, with the backing of finance industry professionals, we are excited to launch annual RoundPier Investment Competition which will run from the end of October through March on our platform! Currently, the total Prize Pool is set at $750 for the top teams. The winning team will also get an opportunity to participate in an investment research project in the form of a short team internship.

Rules of the Competition (please read carefully):

1. There is no registration fee to enter the competition.

2. All team members must be registered on RoundPier (join and build your personal profile if you aren’t a member yet)

3. You can be based anywhere in the world. Team size between 3 and 8 students. Each school can have more than one team. If you don’t have a school team, reach out to us and we will try to help (and use RP platform to form a team).

4. A team must create its own private RP Group: go to Groups — -> Create New Private Group. Title of the group should say “RP Investment Competition 20/21 — [Name of your School]”. One team member must create a group and can then invite others. If there is a team from the same school already add [Name of your School2]. RoundPier account will join your group to provide additional guidance and answer any questions. Next month a mentor will join your group too.

5. Existing investment, economics and finance clubs are encouraged to participate.

6. You will have until October 23rd to register and create a group. Once registered please send a message to RoundPier account confirming your participation.

7. Representatives from all teams will participate in the kick-off call on Saturday, October 24th, time TBC.

8. After the kick-off you can start building your portfolio. We will provide necessary tools and materials that can help you.

9. You will have to post your initial portfolio in the Group in the form of image (screenshot) and then create additional posts every time you add or remove items from your portfolio. Your mentor will review this.

10. The teams will also submit their final presentation in the end of the competition. We advise you to start building PowerPoint presentation right away to document your initial ideas, portfolio rebalancing etc.

11. The final result will be a combination of your portfolio performance and presentation. Leading teams will be invited to the final live presentation event in March 2021.

